Asheville Concealed Carry Class October 27th 2018


This Concealed Carry course includes 8 hours of instruction plus range qualification which allows you to apply for a North Carolina concealed carry permit once the course is completed. Take your class right away and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with proper firearm training for self-defense!

PLUS Now Receive A $185 Bonus When You Sign-up! Details Below.

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More About The CCW Class:

This course will qualify you for obtaining the necessary training certificate when applying for your NC concealed carry permit. You will be taught the fundamentals of proper and safe pistol handling and firing in a safe and comfortable environment with one of the state’s best instructors.

During the class you will learn the core fundamentals of handgun safety and self-defense shooting including:

  • Basic firearm mechanics & operation
  • Concealed Carry Ammunition overview
  • Different types of Concealed Carry firearms
  • CCW General firearm safety
  • Legal instruction including Justifiable Force, Citizen’s Arrest, Reciprocity, Firearm transport, etc
  • Concealed Carry Firearm storage & accessories overview (holsters, safes, etc)
  • Criminal & Civil Liability
  • Firing stances and positions
  • And much much more

Students are required to bring an unloaded handgun, at least 50 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, and ear protection. Loaner guns are available (with prearrangement) for a $10 additional cost.


When you sign up for this class today you will immediately receive a coupon pack valued at $185. Coupons provide discounts up to $25 on various industry proven products that you will probably need anyway. Products include: Gun law books and videos, training pistols, holsters, gun cleaning products, gun safes and cases, training tools, hearing protection, and more. Click here for more details.

More About Your Instructors

Craig Campbell is a certified NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer, and certified by the North Carolina Department of Justice as a Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor.  Craig is a patrol sergeant at the local Sheriff’s Office, SWAT Operator, part-time municipal police officer, who has a passion for teaching qualifying citizens how to protect themselves in an ever-changing society.

Cheyenne Keener is a certified NRA Basic Pistol Instructor, NRA Range Safety Officer, and certified by the North Carolina Department of Justice as a Concealed Carry Firearms Instructor.  Cheyenne is the owner of Bethel Grocery Hunting and Fishing, located in Waynesville NC. 

Learn more about both of them by clicking here!

How Do You Register For the Class:

We require pre-registration for our classes. Please click the “Add to the Cart” button above to make your payment or call us to register over the phone.

Where is the Class Held?

The course will be held at Bethel Grocery Hunting & Fishing in Waynesville, NC. An exact physical address will be sent to you after you register for the course.

How Do You Apply For The Permit?

The State of NC requires an individual to apply for a concealed carry handgun permit at their local Sheriff’s Office in person.  To apply you will need your Photo-ID and the certificate of course completion that we will provide at the end of this class. Don’t worry, we will give you detailed directions about how to prepare for the application process!

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