Posts Tagged ‘Self defense shooting’
Ex-Boyfriend Who Ignored Restraining Order Shot in Self-Defense
This story out of the border road of Polk County is a textbook case of actions speaking louder than words. Joshua Cuthbertson had just gone through a break-up with his now ex-girlfriend and things ended far from well. Cuthbertson had recently been issued a restraining order against his ex-girlfriend, and it was her hope that…
Read MoreJUSTIFIED: Lincolnton Woman Shoots, Kills Drug Dealer
Lincoln County detectives say that an effort was made to sell stolen guns for drugs in their town, but was thwarted by a civilian with a handgun. The situation left one of the dealers dead after the woman came out of hiding with her gun blazing. Multiple North Carolina media organizations reported that on Sunday, 51-year-old…
Read MoreJUSTIFIED: Winston-Salem Store Owner Shoots Robbers
A Winston-Salem police report has been released stating that one person is dead from an armed robbery at Coliseum Bingo and Games last Wednesday.
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